Crazy Bus Stories
January 27th, 1999
Nothing much really. Just a bus driver who
seemed like he was drunk, that's all. Going home, he would drive his foot
through the floor getting to the gas, and then, at the last possible
moment, he would see that there was someone at the next stop, and hammer
on the brakes.
December 9th, 1998
With the last week of classes at Camosun, and finals at UVic, I thought
that I was safe from any weirdness. Boy was I wrong.
Getting on the bus, I thought that it would just be a normal day.
I went to the back and sat down. Well, across from me sat this very nice guy
with a cup that he was proud of. It turns out that he had found this
cup on the bus, and it turns out that it was a Camosun mug. Well,
he wasn't going to support some school, so he plastered with
radio and TV station stickers. Media was his life, and anything else
meant little.
He was a very nice person to talk to, but I couldn't wait to get off!
December 1st, 1998
Today, on my way to school, there was this very interesting person on the Bus. Sitting at the very front,
he was able to play 20 questions with anyone who passed on by. Having got up only 15 minutes before,
I just put my head down and fled to the back of the bus to escape the carnage. Meanwhile, this poor lady
made the mistake of answering. Well, that was it. Every answer she came up with merited another 5
questions. Having realized the curse that she had brought upon herself, she kept on walking, right out
the back doors.
Actually, it was rather a pleasant trip the rest of the way. With the weird guy up front driving people off of
the bus, it wasn't as crowded as normal.
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